When Trevor was first born, he had these tiny little jammies that had a frog on the bottom. They were newborn size and he was still swimming in them. We called them his froggy bottom jammies, which we thought was fitting since the hospital he was born in was in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of DC. He outgrew those jammies way too quickly though, so when my mom and I found them in 6 month size (yes, my 2 month old is already in 6 month clothes), we had to get them! Here he is in his new ones compared to the little ones.
We had to take him to the doctor this month for his first round of shots and a check up. While he was only in the 50th percentile for weight and height when he was born, he has shot up considerably! He was 7 lbs 13 oz when he was born, and at 9 weeks he tipped the scales at 14 lbs 4 oz, which is the 97th percentile! He was just shy of 21 inches when he was born and now he's 24 inches, 90th percentile! Apparently, I don't make milk, I make straight cream.
He took the shots like a champ! The first shot, he didn't seem to notice, he kept laughing and smiling. The second shot must have stung because he let a little yelp, and then he was fine again by the time the third shot was going in. I was much more torn up over it than he was! Luckily, my mom was out here visiting and was able to come to his appointment.
While my mom was here we also took Trevor to the National Zoo for the first time. The weather was supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees in the morning, so we thought it'd be the perfect zoo day. It was a little overcast when we got there, but not too cold, and we saw the pandas and elephants. Then, tiny little drops started falling so we thought we'd go to the small mammal house to wait it out. Instead, the rain started coming more so we thought we better leave before it got worse. As we were walking out, it started raining harder and harder and by the time we got to the car, we couldn't even see! My mom and I were dripping wet from head to toe, but luckily, Trevor was snuggled dry in his stroller and didn't even get a drop on him. While it wasn't the perfect zoo weather we were expecting, we'll definitely never forget his first trip to the zoo!
We're so glad Grandma was able to come visit with us!
That was a great trip, I loved every minute of it! Even with my memory I don't think I will ever forget that trip to the zoo :0)